DTSI Contract Award with IPTA: Software Development for Air Force Material Command



DTSI is pleased to continue Software Development initiatives for the Air Force Material Command at Hill Air Force Base (HAFB) in Ogden, Utah.  In partnership with IPTA, our team will support the development and sustainment of the Training Scheduling System (TSS).  TSS provides knowledge-management data capture, data communications and data command for the improvement of system operations and performance at Hill Air Force Base (HAFB), Tinker AFB, Robins AFB, and other AFMC and Air Force locations.  The need to produce accurate, useful, and real-time data to drive decision-making and maximize efficiency has never been greater, our focus will be to ensure the TSS platform is operating at peek performance through continuous software delivery and deployment.

Proud of the Past. Improving the Present. Focused on the Future.

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Diversified Technical Services Inc