Leveraging Generative AI for User-Focused Design

A person holding his phone while in front of his laptop

Designing user-centric experiences lies at the heart of creating successful digital products and services. As technology advances, generative AI is emerging as a powerful tool in the designer’s toolkit, revolutionizing the way user-focused design is approached. In this blog post, we will explore how generative AI can be harnessed to gain valuable insights, inspire creativity,…

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AI in Enterprise IT: A Generational Transformation Beyond the Hype

A man standing in front of a huge AI

Introduction Many IT professionals perceive Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a fleeting phenomenon, perhaps merely a sophisticated search engine, a transient craze that adds little substantial value to the enterprise. This perspective, while understandable, overlooks the deeper, transformative potential that AI holds for Enterprise IT delivery. This paper aims to elucidate AI’s potential to revolutionize Enterprise…

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Nurturing Technical Talent in the Age of Generative AI

A group of people inside a conference room

The rapid advancement of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked concerns about its potential impact on white-collar jobs in the IT industry. As AI becomes increasingly capable of automating tasks previously performed by humans, IT professionals may feel threatened and uncertain about their future prospects. In this new landscape, it is essential for employers to…

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Ensuring Success of Industry Partnerships: Proactive Collaboration of System Requirements

People talking over two documents in front of them

In today’s fast-paced world of technological innovation, the importance of sharing system requirements early with industry partners cannot be overstated. Early communication of requirements is key to obtaining the best practical solutions while minimizing misunderstandings and incorrect assumptions.  In our new Agile software delivery world with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, users and developers don’t…

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DTSI Celebrates Sunshine Week

A data storage room

Here is a follow-up to our discussion on government transparency in honor of Sunshine Week. Sunshine Week 2023 is dedicated to furthering the cause of government transparency and public access to information by celebrating the successes and progress achieved in the past few years. Its focus is on raising awareness of citizens’ rights to access…

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DTSI Participates in DoD Privacy Summit

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On January 24th, 2023, Stephanie Gibbs, DTSI Transparency Systems Program Manager, was invited to speak at the DoD Privacy Summit in support of Federal Privacy Week, sponsored by the Federal Privacy Council. Data Privacy Week commemorates the January 28, 1981 signing of Convention 108, the first legally binding international treaty dealing with privacy and data…

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Zero Trust Security Model

A padlock

The Zero Trust Security Model The Zero Trust Security Model is gaining traction as one of the most secure methods of defense against cyber threats. The concept is based on the idea that organizations should not automatically trust users or systems inside or outside of their enterprise networks, no matter how well they appear to…

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Modernizing Your Enterprise Software Systems

A hand pointing to a setting hologram effect

DTSI has a proven history of applying leading-edge technologies and developing specialized systems, tools, and methodologies to meet a wide range of functional needs for the DoD community. Our expertise includes enterprise software and systems development, implementation, sustainment, network implementation, application development, cyber security, and product development. Developing and modernizing your enterprise environment within a…

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Government Transparency

Ray of lights

Government transparency is an important factor in maintaining the trust and confidence of its citizens. With greater transparency, citizens can be sure that their elected officials are doing the best job to represent their interests. Open access to public data helps build trust and encourage citizen engagement. Providing easy access demonstrates a government that is…

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