We Bring You Innovative Solutions

Contract Vehicles

Prospective buyers can access DTSI services via Air Force centric and government-wide acquisition, indefinite delivery and quantity type of contract vehicles. Our current contract vehicles include:

GSA Schedule 70

The largest and most broadly used contract vehicle in the federal Government, IT Schedule 70 is a Multiple Award Schedule that grants government agencies direct access to companies like DTSI. Schedule 70 allows for choice, flexibility, ease of use and access to the highest quality IT products, services and solutions from more than 5,000 certified industry partners. Local and state government agencies can also use GSA 70. In all cases, DTSI’s will thoroughly address needs and requirements of the customer and bring our service offerings to bear to provide innovative solutions with fair, reasonable and approved pricing.

Contract Information
Contract Number: 47QTCA19D008D
The DTSI catalog can be accessed on-line through GSA’s eBuy portal.

Responsive Cyber IDIQ

Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) - Agile Combat Support Directorate
This vehicle offers Responsive Cyber Solutions to customers via modernization and support of operationally sensitive Cyber Operations.


517810, 518210, 541511, 541512, 541519

For Questions regarding DTSI services and solutions:

“NETCENTS-2 provided the vehicle for DTSI’s rapid growth and modernization.”


Partner Network

Diversified Technical Services Inc

Want to Connect?

Contact us today to learn more about our services or how to become a partner.